Based on the popular movie series created by Robert Rodriguez, Spy Kids: Mission Critical sees brother-and-sister team Juni and Carmen Cortez lead a team of fellow Spy Kids cadets against the forces of S.W.A.M.P. (Sinister Wrongdoers Against Mankind's Preservation) and their diabolical leader, Golden Brain. The Mission Critical team may not be ready, but they’re the only ones to call when grown-up spies can't do the job.
The Netflix Original Series was produced for Dimension Television.
20 x 22 minute series
Based on the popular movie series created by Robert Rodriguez, Spy Kids: Mission Critical sees brother-and-sister team Juni and Carmen Cortez lead a team of fellow Spy Kids cadets against the forces of S.W.A.M.P. (Sinister Wrongdoers Against Mankind's Preservation) and their diabolical leader, Golden Brain. The Mission Critical team may not be ready, but they’re the only ones to call when grown-up spies can't do the job.
The Netflix Original Series was produced for Dimension Television.
20 x 22 minute series
Based on the popular movie series created by Robert Rodriguez, Spy Kids: Mission Critical sees brother-and-sister team Juni and Carmen Cortez lead a team of fellow Spy Kids cadets against the forces of S.W.A.M.P. (Sinister Wrongdoers Against Mankind's Preservation) and their diabolical leader, Golden Brain. The Mission Critical team may not be ready, but they’re the only ones to call when grown-up spies can't do the job.
The Netflix Original Series was produced for Dimension Television.
20 x 22 minute series